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(4-MEC/830 mg) - First time - Tried 830mgs of 4-Methylethcathinone done over 4-hours

I am 39yo, 6-feet 3-inches tall and weigh 310lbs. I have never snorted any drug before trying 4-MEC today. I have not had alcohol or any other psychoactive substances in my system since december 2010.

Received 4grams of 4-MEC / 4-Methylethcathinone from a good supplier; batch was very clean and close to pure. 4-MEC is a very pretty white cristal that crushes easily with a credit card or edge of straw.

bacground on me, i have wanted to try a recreational chemical for quite some time, mostly out of curiousity but also a deep inner craving to see "the other side" where people get high. i have tried to get coke, heroin, mdma, and meth in the past but was unable to find a source that could guaranty the purity of any of the chems, even offer a guy i trust deeply $500 to find me a 99 or 100% or as close to pure as possible gram of coke or heroin and he hasn't been able to find anything that hasn't already been cut down significantly.

i have read other reviews with wildly varying dosages of 4-MEC to snort. got my trusty digitl scale, hit the tare button and measured 30mg, wanting to start slow and see how i responded to it. put the 30mg on a small mirror and did my best to crush it with the edge of a credit card and make it into a very pretty thin white line. as i had read from other on howto use a straw when snorting for the first time i first made sure my sinuses were all clear, put the straw a 1/4 inch gently up my nose, closed off the other nostril, held the straw down exhalied a small breath put the opening of the straw to the line and inhaled. YAY I DID NOT FEEL LIKE SNEEZING!!! I was so worried i was going to sneeze. i tilted my head back and began short snorts to make sure the drug really was up in my sinuses. I started my stopwatch as soon as my nose began to burn, as other using pure 4-MEC have reported and I was excited to feel that burn / knew I finally had something that was real. had a small shot of adrenaline fill me as i calmed down from the excitement of it burning.

then the acid-like drip began, it was kinda like the acid aftertaste of a lemon but not as bitter but more acidy/burning. it really wasn't that bad

others reported starting to feel a come-up at about 5-mins, 5mins past and i felt was my nose burning and the acid taste in the back of my tounge and throat.

finally at 7-mins I felt a dull sensation in my frontal lobe of my head, kinda like the sensation you get when your sinuses are clogged. also noticed that it felt like pressure was building on each side of my temples. and that was it. sensation started to fade 2 mins later and i felt like i was at baseline 12-mins into the expereince. i realized i needed a bigger dose, this time measure 100 and put it up the other nostril, the sensation of feeling powder going up your nose and tickling the walls is kinda pleasurable, wow i actually enjoy snorting drugs! i honestly thought it was going to be far worse / a major challenge to insufflate the lines but nope, very smooth and no sneezing. did some large sniffle inhales as i could feel the 100mg burn

after 6mins began to feel more of the head-heavyness and disassociation from my body / body was slowing down to responses from my brain. felt just the most mildest of buzzes, similar to alcohol buzz but nowhere near as strong. was really hopping to feel something similar to like how you feel when ypou ejaculate, but wasn't feeling any kind of body rush or high at all. noticed my forehead began sweating. noticed sounds, especially quiet ones i don't normally hear or now quite audible / bordeline annoying. very very very mellow exxperience so far, you'd have a similar high just from meditating and controlling you breath. what i have felt the most of any sensation so far is burning and pain; far outweighs any of the other feelings/sensations.

hour passed and i am feeling baseline / peeved for not experiencing a glowing high like a meth derivative should give at some point and have just an acid taste in my mouth and nostrils that still burn every time in breath in/out of them. so i measured out 200mg and put 100 up each nostril; lots more burning and acid taste in back of mouth and throat, get some water and it help subside the burn in mouth n throat but nostrils still burning away. sounds beging sound-better and my head feels more thicker/congested... still no euphoria. more feeling disconected from body / moving slow like i'm drunk but not feeling the drunk buzz that usually comes with the slow motor skills. still the most sensation i've felt is burning/pain with sounds being the only interesteing thingthing to me and this experience.

another hour n half passed and i decide to go for it: 500mgs

put 250 up each nostril and waited. looked in the mirror and saw my pupils go from being 40% dialated to 75% dialated never see my brown eyes show so much black pupil before- that's kinda call at the 4-MEC IS DOING SOMETHING. Finally began to feel what might be described as a "come-up" could feel my head getting heavier and heavier second-by-second. BUT STILL NO EUPHORIA. But the internal pressure kept building and about 9-mins had passed since inssuflation, noticed i could really hear by breathing and heartbeat in my ears, was like i wasn't controlling the breathing or heartbeat... finally a loss of control / the 4-MEC IS ACTIVE! sadly, just as quickly as it caame it vanished 10-mins into it but i noticed my heart began to race faster and my hands began to uncontrollable share for about 5-seconds. COULD THIS BE IT? MY ENDOPHINE CHERRY RELEASED ALL AT ONCE FINALLY IS POPPED?! sadly no! >:-( instead the buring n acid taste increased and the desire to drink water hits me. finished 24oz of water over the next 10 mins, feels like my sinuses are starting to really absorb more of the 4-MEC. I am now 22-mins into having snorted 500mgs and i suddenly felt a burp come up. a burp that was the typical [precursor burb with a little puke in it. quickly swalled it back down and tried to focus on not-puking getting my brain to take more of the 4-MEC into it when my stomach forced me to run to the toilet while projectile-vomiting into my mouth. talk about an instant buzzkill to a buzz that felt like it was about to arrive only to be thwarted by my lunch i had eaten 1 hour before startiing this adventure.

cleaned up my puke and noticed doing bathroom cleaning, a chore i normally hate with a passion, wasn't bothering me at a;ll / was almost enjoyable touching and wiping things.

so far 4-MEC has proven to have far more negatives than positives for me. at least it has shown me i can insufflate other drugs without having to worry about sneezing them out.

i think i will try fasting for 24-hours before trying to snort the 500mgs again, may also try the rectal method that seems to bring the euphoric high that i am seeking.

update on my experience... is now 15 hours since first line insufflated, sleep was very sketchy would sleep for 5mins then wake up then 15mins then wakeup then 10mins then wakeup, continue process throughout the night, had very very dry mouth twice. drank 40oz of water throughout night so far. massive headache began about 5 hours ago, feels like a needle is in my forehead and in both temples. debating wether to take a motrin or see how long headache actually lasts. had to blow nose about 3 hours ago, blod clots in mucus from both nostrils. probably will not try again till figuring out right way to get the positive experience. nose is still running and stomach feels like may puke back the water. forehead still sweatty.

conclusions 4-MEC VERY UNPLEASANT, unless you're into full body pains with no-reward this expereince is way more negative than positive.

4-MEC second experience 800 done via suggestion from here

Thanks to those who PM'd me saying "try 300mg to 500mg in one line and report-back"... this time I kept a stopwatch and MS Word open n here's the play-by-play of the experience including my sometimes disjumbled-thoughts at that moment, note 0:00 = 0minutes:0seconds

0:00 insufflated 300mg all in 1 nostril, thick line looks like how drugs look in movies, about 3/16inch wide and 3-inches long, was ver cool watching the powder slowly disappear through the wide opening of the mcdonald’s straw
3:00 feel something, went to mirror watch pupils start to grow bigger and small, very cool
4:15 top of head feels heavy
5:00 feel like might have top vomit
Don’t feel like moving laying down
7:00 threw up bile & drip in mouth swallowed half n spit out rest
9:00 who body swesting
10:00 more bile puke maybe 2 fluid ounces into toilet, noticed teeth clinched uncontrollaab.le
:11:30 very hard to type, might puke again
Thinks this might be a good weighloss drug
12:15 notices ntemples hurt from tech clenching
12:55 high does not seem build up any more
13:20 eyes fluttering
Going try lay down
14:50 really not sure about this drug, seems far more negative than positive, so have nopt felt any good sensations like when having sex… was hoping to at least the feel a rush like you feel when ejaculation
16:30 motor skills definitely slowed down, recommend breathing with moth open so teeth don’t clench
17:30 pupils 90% dialated, probably coolst thing so far is watching pupils in mirrir seem to expan n contract slightly with heartbeart – like can see heart
18:58 eye flutter while looking at stopwatch, body still sweating profusely
19:45 wonders if should redose
20:00 decides not to / wants see how 300mg comedown is
21:00 notices fingers/hands tingling
21:30 notice left notril drippling sucked it back up, very chemical/acid tast hit back of throat when sucking it back up
22:22 feel like layiong down again, notices brething very loud inside head
23:30 back awake, seem to want 30 seconds of movement then 30seconds of stillness
23:50 sweat on face feels very cool/cold
24:10 left leg bouncing take much thought to stop it, just gone let it go for now
25:23 tryiong to focus on watch, I hard to read number
25:54 notices forehead seems to have iuncrwed, face very wet
26:28 leg stopped bouncing, am noticeable thirsty but don’t want to drink for fear of puke
27:16 notices left nostil clogged / very hard to suck back up mucus, thinks to self to look in mirror next dripp to see if any chem. In it
28:01 forhead thickness feeling seem to have been consisten for last 10mins, assuming this is peak of experience
Drip / acid taste in throatf not nearly as bad as first time
Thinks should try this rectally / in an enema
30:00 looked in mirror, pupils not as large as before maybe 70-75% dilation now
Leg still bouncging but easly controlled, letting it bounce
31:20 clear mucus out of left nostril, sucked it baack up, did not see any chem.
Really wishes he could feel the sensation of having an orgasim, penis not responding to play or stroaking with lube…
32:45 put porn on tv, impossible to focus on it and computer, notices keyboard very loud, wonder if hitting keys too hard
33:30 sweat now coming out of temples, both sides
Leg bouncging again
34:13 notes that body feels warm internally but cold outside on skin
Think might be coming down from very lame head-thickness
35:15 walking like I am very drunk on alcohol but without the very nice alcohol buzz
Must move slow / slothliek to achieve goal doing whatever movement I was trying, typing seems fast / not slowed
37:30 sligh burning sensation in left nostril returns, head feel just a tick thicker
38:38 really wishes he could try snorting pure cocaine or heroin to see how compares, feel saad can’t find nyone wh can guarantee purity even if paying super-premium for it
39:50 seein lost fo red-lines in ms word meaning I have typos, thiks should be fun trying to proofread this tomorrow
40:50 head still feels thick, still avoiding drinking water
Was glad hydrated with 40oz water 2-hours before starting this, might’ve sweat out half of it already, shoulder on shirt drenches from sweat off of face runoff
42:30 thinks when puked first time that vomit coming pout of nostrils cleared sinuses so did not close to full effect of dose
43:20 notices head thickness much more intense this time, wonders if this is what being high is supposed to feel like
44:20 pupils still 70-75% dilated, noticed the 10ft walk between computer n mirror very slow / body seems to take second to respond to commands, but fingers typin about same
46:20 feel like slowing down more, going try to lay back n close eyes
47:40 had to focus on keeping mouth open and breath through mouth the keep teeth clenching
Note should wear mouthgaurad to keep teeth from grinding down while clenching, still ablem to stop clenching by mouth breating
49:25 more sweat beads forming on face n forehead, notcing bottoms of feet are wet as well
Thinks may have found drug to help me not eat, haven’t eaten for 25 hours and no desire to eat food (normally I eat B L D and about 6000 to 10000cals a day)
Going try and weigh self
53:11 am 313.4 pounds, dammit! Looked in mirror pupils 40-50% dialated thinks must be coming down now
54:55 head seems less thick, definitely must be coming down
Tummy feeling ill, has nothing to puke
56:03 still wondering if should redose
Wonders if need to increase dose to hit a euphoria like when you have sex / ejaculate, seems like drug does fill brain but didn’t have enough to get super high
58:38 did test snort through righ nostril, seems functioning / able to do the line if I decide to do it
62:00 still unsure if should do same amount to right side
Face still sweating, hands n feet sweating
63:00 worried sweat will interfere with trying to measure n cut n snort new line
Trying to use towel and tissues to dry off hands n arms n face
63:30-67:00 put hand towel up to face n realized hadn’t shaved for 3 straight days, grabbed electric razor and began shaving, noticed vibration of razor would feel very good when traveling over certain spots on face and chin, pupils would expand from 40% to 60% when hitting a happy-spot with vibrations, happy spots seem to be contstantly changing but stay within general areas, annoyed can’t pin-down the exact s pot to keep the pleasurable tingle going
71:40 finished typing the above thickness in forehead almost completely gone
72:30 went back to electric razor, can’t find any of the happy spots / vibration no longer stimulates :(
74:00 feel almost normal but sweats still coming
75:00 leg bouncing again, mild teeth clinching, not as strong as before, able to control the clench without mouth breathing
77:00 worried that one needs to take such large dosages for medium effects, still frustrated haven’t felt a strong/overpowering effect like any drug should have
80:00 reread first part of trip report, thinks if redoses will try to not type anything between 4mins and 20mins to see if buildup feels better without being distracted by typing
81:22 dammit, 20:00 reminded me I want to see how the comedown/after-effects is for this level of one thick line up one nostril dose
83:00 going to see if laying on bed does anything, check pupils, 20% dialated / might be @ baseline norm
89:00 boredome set in, reflected that this drug might be best at one large dose only… still unhappy that the experience seems to many more large negatives in-exchange for minimal-at-best positives …
91:00 feel awake but tired but feel if I try sleeping eyes will open every 5 to 10 mins
92:00 palms n head still sweaty, mild teeth clench
93:00 stomach gurgled, probably would’ve puked if had anything in it
95:00 noticed reading webpages / news articles makes me tire-quickly / want to close eyes n sleep
96:00 very hard to do work on internet, thank god finished all important stuff before doing this
99:00 staving off the desire to redose, little voice says “just do alittle more, try 350 and see if that’ll bust your pleasure-center-cherry
101:00 edesire to redosse passed not gonna do it
101:44 left nostril feels very clogged now, have to really force snorting air in
102:50 tiredness returned, burped a chemical acid gas, yuk
104:00 seem to be on a different plateu now, calmness over the body, still a bit hard to walk / body movement still slowed
105:00 think watching pupils dilate first-time and watching the powder vanish into the straw and then feeling the drug cover my sinuses are favorite parts of experience
109:00 just got partial erection, gonna masterbate before I lose it
118:00 penis only partially erect whole time, only 4-inches, usually 6-inches when hard, running lube on penis FELT NOTHING stroaking with hand, hand felt just as good as penis being stroaked, wonders if hand was feeling how a vagina feels when a penis rubs it; fascinating role-reversal. But lost the chubby entirely after 8mins of straoking / went back to 1” limp; regular masturbation is far more-pleasurable than this
122:00 going try and do work remotely for a hour, may try to redose with larger line
128:00 had a wave of heat move throughout my body just now, face n head sweating again
135:00 can feel very beginnings of a headache, like needle being slowly inserted into top of head, also noticed feeling more tired / want to sleep but cant
137:00 thinking again about redosing with larger line, maybe in 1-hour if head still feels okay, needle in head feeling now gone
140:00 still hard to focus on writing on screen / hard to read internet articles
145:00 going over negatives vs potential positive of hitting endorphine-releasing high, seems each time I’ve done slightly larger does I’ve come-closer to an actual high/climax, but very worried if will be able to function tomorrow if I do it
I suspect the negative will still be bigger than the positive
152:00 right nostril seems to be begging me to fill it with drugs, leftnostril still clogged
Dammit I want to see iff this drug can give me pleasure and not just monkey with my body controls n make me sweat
164:00 95% sure going to redose

2 hours 48 mins have passed since insufflating first dose, am going to do the larger line as soon as chop n cut it.

Resetting clock to 0:00 on watch before making line, said prayer to please make this line potent enough for me to feel a true euphoric high from a chemical that is not alcohol. Oh and please don’t let me puke to the point that my sinuses get cleared out, I don’t want to lose any of the drug by vomit coming out of my nose

Just made a very beautiful 500mg 3 in long ¼ inch wide line, 2 hour 56mins since first line insufflated

2:47 pupils began dialating
10:16 because some of the line went straight down my throt n lungs, probably some in actually in lung, fill like right luncg is buring when I breath in; I spemd 5 min s trying to puke as the come-up grew, very painful dry-heave felt like might’ve given lower abdomen a hernia
12:30 MAKE SURE YOU SPLIT UP THE LINES INTO SMALLER DOSES NEXT TIME, inhale them slowly so that drug stays in nose, body seems to take 3 to5 mins to absorb enough for effects to start, maybe snort line every 5-to-10mins next time ‘till you reach a euphoric high

13:30 entire body sweating now, turning up A/C
17:45 noticed right nostril running, failed to suck it all back up, tasted bit left on my lip and got the full 4-MEC acid burn feeling
19:00 wonders if this is eye darting is like the same effect one gets on crystal meth
19:53 still working very had not to swall drip
22:25 eyes still dialting, pupils 80-90% dialated
Note to self get hand mirror next time
24:00 dammit, seems to have reach peak of whatever it’s doing, teeth clinching hard to control, does not feal good breathing in/out of mouth, lung feel like burning on inhale
NOTE TO SELF – only inhale GENTLY for 2 or 3 seconds each time snorting, stop, tilt head back and breath in through mouth then take quick snort of clean air to get the powder crystals onto sinuses only and then let regular breath in slowly. Must be patient n careful to only get 4-MEC on sinuses only
28:00 motor skills slowing down still sweating and trying hard not to swallow drip
30:00 thinks it may be too hard to get a real euphoric high with this drug via insufflation.
Will try 600mgs in 10 lines of 60mg ever 3 to 5 mins till euphoria or puking comes.
33:00 still hard to control teeth clinching, had to swallow saliva buildup in mouth, hope that doesn’t5 make me puke
35:00 frustrated at self for inhaling too deeply
36:25 pupil 70% dialated, seem to have plataued or come down slightly, body still moving slow / takes commands to move with a delay
38:15 vision control starting to be lost, words on screen go in n out of being blurry
39:26 thinks I have started to understand how this drug works, needs time and care to get it to build up in you system… thinks 100-250mg in a rectal enema or 25-50mg IV might be the way to find euphoria/ best-high with 4-MEC
43:30 suspects crash is going to bad / will have trouble sleeping tonight only 1:49pm right now
44:45 notices right nostril still running clear mucus/ having to suck it back up but not so hard that reaches throat, ,4-MEC definitely in the runs, each time sucks it back up sinus burns a little more intensely
47:00 am bummed that single dosing won’t work to get a powerful high unless all you want is a very mellow relaxing feeling that slows you down. 4-MEC in small dose definitely a meditation aid
50:00 full body sweats returned, must remember to drink lots of water once 4-MEC is fully dissolved in sinuses / throat / lungs
51:20 afraid will puke if swallows water right now, still feels like lump por two of 4-MEC still being absorbed, but definitely not as rapid absorbtion as initial snort of line. Notice left nostril seems more clear than right nostril now
53:25 still have burning sensation in right sinus so assume some drug is still there slowly being absorbed
56:20 I think max effect has passed, would need to do another 100mg line right now to keep the build-up going
57:10 body has calmed way down n stopped sweating for now, this is like mellow relaxing down-period you feel in-between the rushes that come when doing an MDMA pill… hopes a build-up will happen soon n endorphins finally realeased en-masse. Dammit, just allowed throat to swallow
59:39 whew, no desire to puke after swallow of some drip
60:00 feels like there may be a large clump still on my right sinus, debating to see if I should try blowing it out and sucking it back up the left nostril
62:15 pushed finger down on upper side of right nose n tried mashing it in, that might’ve done it, just had a huge drip still trying not to swallow
65:00 BOOOOO definitely peaked / not getting any more buildup - would definitely going to have to redose if I want it to buildup further- not doing it, want to save rest of supply for another day where I will either try it rectally or try doing multiple smaller lines at close intervals
72:00 yep, declining more… sweats have returned. I wonder how-quickly tolerance build with this drug
74:00 4-MEC more thoughts- it’s fun that it absorbs fairly quickly in the sinuses and you will feel “something” within 10-mins and probably sooner – once you see your black pupils in your eyes start to expand you should feel something within seconds of that happening or even while it happens. Only problem is that something is a very very very weak thick-headed feeling in your forehead and you need to do large quantities to increase any sensation. And you have to be very careful to not insufflate so deeply that there’s drip or you will puke bile if stomach empty and if full you’ll lose yer lunch plus everything else.
83:00 sounds like my brain just drained some fluid, very odd sound from inside head
84:00 hearing notciably enhanced rapidly, air going in/out me sounds very loud
NUTHER THOUGHT- First 50mins are best after each snort
88:00 wants to sleep / rest / lay down but can keep eyes closed for more than 2 or 3 mins
97:00 experience is clearly declining, not going to redose as I need to be functional tomorrow
Will keep stopwatch going for if/when headache n other downer feelings hit
152mins was able to nap for 50mins, decided to drink a little bit of water then got on scale am now 311.2lbs, 4-MEC got me to lose 2.2lbs in water/sweat. Very clear-headed right now, going to try and nap some more.

5-hours since last insufflated, napped till just now, need to do some housework then back to bed, head still feels clear, both sinuses clogged n sound like I have a cold
6-hour since… was not hungry / no desire to eat dinner, haven’t eaten for 32 hours now, 4-MEC is first drug to ACTUALLY HAVE REMOVED my voracious appetite for food, FORGOT TO MENTION THAT 2-HOURS BEFORE THIS ALL STARTED I DID HAVE 2000MGS OF VITAMIN C AND A 1000MG MULTI-VITAMIN, DO FEEL A BIUT TIRED / SLEEPY NOW will try to goto bed now, need to wakeup in 8-hours for work. Very small headache at top of head now.

16-hours since last line insufflated, slept in 15-min to 1-hour increments over last 10 hours, headache in top of head whole time, very low energy right now, this must be “the crash” people talk about when doing drugs. STILL NO HUNGER AT ALL, 42-hours since I last ate anything. I think I may have found a weightloss drug that will work for me. I drank 30oz of water over the 10-hours of sleep, mostly 1/2oz to 1oz sips each time my eyes opened. Now that I am reading / working on computer headache has moved to right frontal lobe. Took 2000mgs Vitamin C aand 1000mg multivitamin just now, think headache might be from my body using fat. Am going to take a 2+week break before trying 4-MEC again; I think the trick will be to find the smallest one-sniff-dose that will get pupils to 90% dialation or dose that just gets on sinuses and not throat/lungs… this drug is going to be very tricky to do it to the point of getting max-benefit for the long negatives now feeling. I suspect plugging/rectal method might be the key to getting large enough dose into body at same time to feel a euphoric high. This second time headache not nearly as bad/sharp thanks to focusing on not-swallowing the drip / avoid water to remove acid taste in throat / if you puke volumes you will have a very very very bad comedown n headache. The crash / down is like having a bad case flu that includes stuffy / runny nose, quiet voice / voice –loss, hot/cold flashes and major loss of energy. VERY UNHAPPY that the negatives with this drug so-far far far far outweigh the miniscule-at-best positives. Unless you are a sado-masochist and uncontrolled burning pain is your fetish this is not a good drug to use is a newby to insufflating drugs. If you have very good insufflation control this drug might be okay but having to saturate the sinuses over a long period of time probably isn’t safe / have no idea if the point between toxicity/OD and hitting euphoria are too close together or if you’ll reach toxicity/OD before getting a pleasurable feeling.


Теги: english
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